John Alexander Hankey

Partnership Role

Thomson Hankey & Co.
Other partner

West India merchant

No notes

Firm Notes

  1. Commission of bankruptcy versus John Plummer and William Wilson of Fenchurch Street 1831: connection to the Hankey, Plummer & Wilson firm is unclear. Appears that Plummer and Wilson became partners in the firm following bankruptcy and brought with them clients such as William Beckford (formerly of Fonthill). Plummer remained a partner until his death in 1839.


  1. Co-partnership between Thomson Hankey, John Alexander Hankey and Thomson Hankey junior carried on under the firm of Thomson Hankey and Company dissolved by mutual consent 30/6/1840 so far as regards said Thomson Hankey who retired from the firm (signed 5/2/1844)


  1. Dissolution by mutual consent 30/6/1860 as far as Beaumont Hankey is concerned of the partnership between John Alexander Hankey, Thomson Hankey, William Wilson, George Hankey, Blake Alexander Hankey and Beaumont Hankey.


  1. Dissolution by mutual consent 30/6/1862 as far as Blake Alexander Hankey is concerned of the partnership between John Alexander Hankey, Thomson Hankey, William Wilson, George Hankey, Rodolph A Hankey and the said Blake Alexander Hankey.


  1. Dissolution by mutual consent 30/6/1864 as far as Thomson Hankey is concerned of the partnership between John Alexander Hankey, George Hankey, Rodolph Alexander Hankey, Richard Musgrave Harvey, and the said Thomson Hankey


  1. Dissolution by mutual consent 30/6/1867 as far as John Alexander Hankey is concerned of the partnership between said John Alexander Hankey, George Hankey, Rodolph Alexander Hankey, Richard Musgrave Harvey, and Walter Hankey carrying on the business of West India merchants at No. 7 Mincing Lane


  1. Dissolution by mutual consent as far as regards George Hankey, of the partnership between said George Hankey, Rodolph Alexander Hankey and Richard Musgrave Harvey 31/12/1871





Firm Sources

  1. London Gazette 18753 3/12/1830 p. 2553; Fisher (ed.), House of Commons 1820-1832, vol. 6 (entry for John Plummer).


  1. London Gazette 20316 13/2/1844 p. 496


  1. London Gazette 22403 13/7/1860 p. 2637


  1. London Gazette 22645 18/7/1862 p. 3606


  1. London Gazette 22871 5/7/1864 p. 22871


  1. London Gazette 23276 16/7/1867 p. 3997


  1. London Gazette 23851 23/4/1872 p. 2036