West India merchant
No notes
11 March 1816 Alex. Geo. Milne of London and 1/1/1820 Robert Oglivie in Leith ceased to have any concern in the business carried on in Leith under the firm of Milne, Oglivie and Patison: Patison continues
Statements of account of Cabragalla [sic] estate with Alex. Geo. Milne & Co. HOOK/22/12/12-14 1855-58 with covering letter from AGMilne & Co. to R. W. Blencowe, 'the latter having shares in the company' and referring to the crop of coffee
Firm of Alex Geo. Milne & Co., of George Yard dissolved 30th April 1835 by mutual consent. A.G.Milne retired; A.G. Milne junior and William Bartlet [sic] continue: simultaneously, the partnership between James Campbell, Mungo Campbell and Mungo Campbell jun. (representing the firm of John Campbell senr and Co of Glasgow) and A.G. Milne jr under the firm of Alex and James Campbell and Co of Copthall Court was dissolved as of 30/4/1835, all debts due etc., consignments to A.G.Milne jr.
London Gazette 17901 4 March 1823 p. 357
Archive of the Poole family, baronets, of Poole and Blencowe family, TNA catalogue online East Sussex Record Office, HOOK 1526-1920.
London Gazette 19273 26/5/1835 p. 6