Benjamin Vaughan

Partnership Role

Manning & Anderdon
Name partner

West India merchant

No notes

Firm Notes

  1. 1794 dissolution of Mannings & Vaughan of Billiter Square (with Benjamin Vaughan) and continuation of William Manning with John Proctor Anderdon and Charles Bosanquet under firm Manning, Anderdon & Bosanquet.   

  2.  Charles Bosanquet leaves 1810

  3. 1816 Partnership between William Manning, John Proctor Anderdon, Frederick Manning and John Lavicount Anderdon dissolved as far as respects John Proctor Anderdon, firm to be continued as Mannings & Anderdon.

  4. Commission of bankruptcy against William Manning, Frederick Manning and John Lavicount Anderdon 5th September 1831; 'final dividend' 30 May 1837; audit of accounts of assignees of bankrupts 23/10/1838; further dividend 24/1/1843; 'final dividend' 3/2/1854

  5. William Manning blamed the decline of the firm and its bankruptcy (with debts of at least £374,372) on the 'neglect' of the West Indies by governments in the 1810s and 1820s.  For some details of the firm's history see Fisher.

  6. Dissolution of the partnership between John Lavicount Anderdon and Charles John Manning as Manning & Anderdon of New Bank Buildings, to be continued by Charles John Manning.

Firm Sources

  1. London Gazette 13658 17 May 1794 p. 457 [p. 5 of 8]

  2. London Gazette 16366 1 May 1810 p. 650 [p.10 of 20]

  3. London Gazette 17133 4 May 1816 p. 831 [p. 15 of  32]

  4. London Gazette 19059 18 June 1833 p. 1188 [p. 12 of 24]; London Gazette 19493 9 May 1837 p. 1208 [p.26 of 32]; London Gazette 19660 2 October 1838 p. 214 [p. 8 of 16]; London Gazette 20182 30 December 1842 p. 3932 [p. 34 of 44]; London Gazette 21511 13 January 1854 p. 134 [p. 28 of 36].

  5. Fisher (ed.), House of Commons 1820-1832, vol. VI (entry for William Manning).

  6. London Gazette 21573, 18/07/1854 p. 2245.