Robert Allen Crawford

Partnership Role

Turnbull Forbes

West India merchant (Colonial - Caribbean)

No notes

Firm Notes

  1. Memorial of Henry W. Bentinck [Count Bentinck] to Viscount Castlereagh [received 3 Nov. 1805]: sets out details of his career and the effect on his personal finances of the failure of Turnbull Forbes & Co.: asks for a positon and grant of land to enable him to support himself. [Land sought might have been in St Vincent or Martinique]

  2. A commission of bankruptcy had been awarded against John Turnbull, John Forbes, Robert Allen Crawford and David Skene, trading as Turnbull Forbes 18/08/1802.

  3. In 1807 the assignees of John Turnbull, John Forbes, Robert Allen Crawford and David Skeene [sic] of Broad St London, trading as Turnbull, Forbes and Co., convened a meeting of creditors to assent to or dissent from the assignees transferring their rights in La Bonne Intention in Demerara to Mr Daniel Willink in satisfaction of securities he then held on other estates and effects of the bankrupts.




Firm Sources

  1. University of Nottingham Manuscripts Online Catalogue accessed 17/7/2009

  2. London Gazette 15617 3 September 1803 p. 1165. 

  3. London Gazette 16063 8/9/1807 pp. 1183-4.