Collector of Egyptian antiquites and other objects.
"He spent three years on a grand tour around the Mediterranean, including Egypt, from Christmas 1833 to May 1834. His journal, much of it written in French, gives an account of the ancient sites he visited, along with annotated maps and some tart observations on the manner in which his fellow Europeans treated the monuments and tombs. It is possible he acquired some of his Egyptian works of art on this tour, but at least one object in his collection came from the Giovanni d'Athanasi sale at Sotheby's, London, March 13th, 1837. Two New Kingdom steles from the Pratt collection were sold at Sotheby's, New York, December 17th, 1998, nos. 24 and 26, the latter now in the Los Angeles County Museum of Art.",-late-18th-1-c-6hwuyzd3la. Accessed 9 May 2012.
His acquistions included an Egyptian limestone monument or stela dating from 1295-1069 BC, whose export sale was blocked in 2001. It was then acquired by the British Museum where it can now be seen.
See press release from the Department for Culture, Media and Sport:, 167/2001, 30 May 2001; see also; and for the stela itself!!/OR/!!/114186/!/114186-1-5/!/Named%20in%20inscription%20&%20portrayed%20Anubis/!//!!//!!!/&orig=%2Fresearch%2Fsearch_the_collection_database%2Fadvanced_search.aspx&partid=1&searchtext=
Another sale at Sotheby's, 6 December 2006, included several Egyptian works of art formerly in Pratt's collection. See: Accessed 9 May 2012.
Other acquisitions include a Maori Hand Club which was sold at Sotheby's New York in May 2007 for $48,000. See: