ANTIGUA HOUSE, 14, ABBEY-ROAD, ST. JOHN'S-WOOD.-The extensive and valuable LIBRARY and PRINTS of the late Dr. Osborn. Messrs. Herring and son are instructed by the Executors to SELL by AUCTION, on the Premises, Abbey-road, St. John's-wood, on TUESDAY, Dec. 14, and following day, at 11 for 12, the extensive LIBRARY, comprising works by the most celebrated authors in French and English; magniflcent books of engravings, with fine original impressions, viz., the Florence Gallery, imperial folio ; Recueil d'Estampes d'après les plus beaux Tableaux, &c; select Gems from the Antique, Lavater '3 Essays on Physiognomy'. Among the general books will be found the Encvclopédie, ou Dicion- [ ]ments of classical and useful literature. The prints comprise fine impressions from paintings by the old masters; also a curious and rare collection of British and foreign portraits, many of which are proofs from Sir J. Reynolds, &c.; modern drawings from the antique, some very fine, collected with great care and judgment.—May be viewed on Saturday and Monday preceding the sale. Catalogues may be had of Mr. Charles Blake, solicitor, Serjeants'-inn; and of the Auctioneers, 109, Fleet-street. ANTIGUA HOUSE, 14, ABBEY-ROAD, ST. JOHN'S-WOOD.—A few VALUABLE PAINTlNGS, Collection of Antique Camots, Intaglios, Antique Time-piece, Etc., of the late Dr. Osborn. Messrs. Herring and Son are instructed by the Executors to SELL by AUCTION, on the Premises, on WEDNESDAY, Dec. 15, a few valuable PAINTINGS bv the first masters, a very choice and curious collection of antique cameos. :qnintely [sic] : classical figures, fine enamel paintings of the English Royal Family, by the celebrated Bone, R.A., and other eminent persons, forming a valuable and recherche collection, well worth the attention of connoisseurs.—Catalogues of .Mr. Charles Blake, solicitor, Serjeants'-inn; and of the Auctioneers, 109, Fleet-street. ANTIGUA-HOUSE, ABBEY-ROAD, ST. JOHN'S-WOOD.-FURNITURE, Plate, large Glasses, Pianoforte by Broadwood, Chim-ne^maments, braces of Pistols, and EFFECTS, of the late Dr. [Osborn]. Messrs. Herring and Son are instructed by the Executors to SELL by AUCTION, on the Premises, on THURSDAY, Dec. 16, the genuine FURNITURE and EFFECTS, ccmprising mahogany four-post and French bedsteads, chests of drawers, mahogany wardrobes, Brussels and Turkey carpets, winged bookcase, secretaire library tables, set of mahogany dining tables, sideboard, mahogany chairs in hair cloth, solas, drawing room chairs in silk, rosewood centre tables, large console glasses, pianoforte by Broadwood, chimney ornaments, ormolu chandeliers, about 100 pieces of plate, and other effects. May be viewed Saturday and Monday preceding the sale.—Catalogues of Mr. Charles Blake, solicitor, Serjeants'-Inn ; and of the Auctioneers, 109, Fleet-street.
London Daily News, December 06, 1852 p. 8
Dispersal Year
Auction House
Herring and Son