Associated People (1) |
The dates listed below have different categories as denoted by the letters in the brackets following each date. Here is a key to explain those letter codes:
1818 [EA] - 1822 [LA] → Previous owner
Estate Information (3) |
[Number of enslaved people] 99(Tot) 57(F) 42(M)
[Name] Great Mountain Estate Owner: Estates of Mrs Ruth Lettsom deceased, returned by William Payne Georges
T 71/370 187-190
[Number of enslaved people] 84(Tot)
[Name] Great Mountain Estate Owner: Estates of Mrs Ruth Lettsom deceased in the possession of John Cotton Tupper as attorney to the receiver; Tortola
T 71/371 460-463
[Size] 250
An advertisement for an estate sale of the property of Ruth Lettsom [Lettsome], deceased, scheduled for 13 July 1825. The sale was ordered by the Court of Chancery in the case Georges v. Georges. 12 estates and two parcels of land are listed totalling 2618 acres. 5 of the estates have a total of 825 enslaved people attached to them. No enslaved people are listed as being attached to the Great Mountain Estate.
London Gazette 1 Jan 1825, pg. 1119