Associated People (2) |
The dates listed below have different categories as denoted by the letters in the brackets following each date. Here is a key to explain those letter codes:
1820 [EA] - 1820 [LA] → Other
Between the 1817 and 1820 registrations, 96 enslaved people on Stowe in Dominica (practically the whole enslaved population of the estate) were purchased by Thomas Naghten and shipped to Demerara. |
1823 [EA] - 1834 [LA] → Owner
Associated Claims (1) |
£2,803 11S 8D
Estate Information (7) |
[Number of enslaved people] 100(Tot) 52(F) 48(M)
[Name] Stowe Estate Returned by John Scott Curry, manager for an unnamed owner. This entry includes the names of enslaved children's mothers. St. Patrick.
T71/345 562-565
[Number of enslaved people] 103(Tot) 54(F) 49(M)
[Name] Stowe Returned by John Laidlaw, attorney of the unnamed former owner; 96 enslaved people were 'sold to Thomas Naughtan and delivered to is attorney Jas. Matthews and by him exported to Demerara by virtue of a license from H R H Prince Regent in Council'. St. Patrick.
T71/355 370 - 373
[Number of enslaved people] 15(Tot) 10(F) 5(M)
[Name] Stowe Estate Return of William Elissonde, owner; the entry is recorded by the owner's surname with the enslaved said to be on the estate. St. Patrick.
T71/358 258
[Number of enslaved people] 59(Tot) 30(F) 29(M)
[Name] Stowe Estate Return of William Elissonde and others, joint owners; 29 enslaved people were 'transferred from Bagatelle Estate' where they had been registered in 1820; 1 enslaved person was 'transferred to Retiro Estate'. St. Patrick.
T71/358 270
[Number of enslaved people] 73(Tot) 38(F) 35(M)
[Name] Stowe Returned by W Ellisonde, owner; 15 enslaved people had been transferred from W Ellisonde's registry; 10 other people were purchased. St. Patrick.
T71/360 235-236
[Number of enslaved people] 118(Tot) 62(F) 56(M)
[Name] Stowe Returned by William Ellissonde, owner; includes a full return of the enslaved; 51 enslaved people were bought from various individuals. St. Patrick.
T71/362 570 - 575
[Number of enslaved people] 128(Tot) 64(F) 64(M)
[Name] Stowe Estate Return of William Ellissonde, owner. St. Patrick.
T71/363 230-231