Hampstead (Middlesex)
Built 1st Jan 1807
who departed this Life June 3rd. 1807 aged 60 [sic: in fact 69] years and is interred in the Vault under this Building He had been an Inhabitant of the City of New York in North America and at the commencement of the Rebellion (disregarding all personal Considerations) he took up Arms in support of the Rights of this country. In the course of that War he distinguished himself in the Defence of the important Post of ninety six in SOUTH CAROLINA which he maintained with about 300 Provincial Forces without Cannon against a Force of 7000 Men with a numerous Train of Artillery
He also distinguished himself most brilliantly in the Action of the Eutwas where he rallied a portion of the Troops that had left the Field, attacked the Enemy, recovered from them the Artillery they had taken and persued them until recalled by superior Orders.
By a rapid and unexampled March he relieved the Garrison of Fort Augusta which at the time was besieged and in most imminent Danger. And on every Occasion where he could exert himself he displayed a Zeal, Intrepidity and good Conduct which procured him the Approbation and Friendship of his Commander in Chief, the late MARQUIS CORNWALLIS and all the officers of Distinction with whom he served
To his Gallantry and good Conduct as a Soldier were added every Virtue that could adorn a Christian and a Gentleman in social Life, which has been fully testified by the Feelings expressed at his Death by all those to whom he was known
This short Memorial is placed here by his truly disconsolate Widow
A plain stone tablet (5 ft. by 3 ft.).
No notes
Current owner
Not known