Take our course for teachers in all sectors

Explore what the Learning Designer tool offers as part of "Blended and Online Learning Design", a free online UCL course on FutureLearn, for teachers in all sectors.


The Browser screen categorises existing designs according to pedagogic approach, education sector, topic area, and project needs. You can also search by keyword. When you select a design and turn editing on it becomes yours to edit and adapt, stored in ‘My designs’. Or you go to the Designer screen to design from scratch.


As you design each step of the session you can specify the type of learning activity, duration, group size, teacher presence/or not, online/or not, synchronous/or not, and any resources to be attached. The ‘designed time’ is tracked, along with pie charts and bar charts showing the nature of the learning experience you’re designing, in the Analysis tab. This helps you review and revise your design.


Once drafted, you can share your design by sending its url to a colleague, or publish it by placing it in 'My designs public space', or export it to Word to share it with colleagues and students.

Try it out - see how you’re supporting your students’ learning

The pie-chart shows the relative study time proportions for the 6 types of learning you have designed into your session. They are derived from Laurillard’s Conversational Framework (see Guide). The more types of learning, the more different ways students process the concepts and skills.

Ways of expressing the learning experience you created for your students

You build up your design for a set of intended learning outcomes, deciding for each step on the type of learning, its duration, the group size, teacher presence/or not, online/or not, synchronous/or not, the resources that need to be linked, and the guidance to the student.

Export to Word and share your design with colleagues

If you export the design to Word it is easy to discuss with colleagues, or give to students to show them what’s coming, or invite their feedback on how it went - use the Notes in each panel, to ask them to comment on that part of the design.