Associated People (12) |
The dates listed below have different categories as denoted by the letters in the brackets following each date. Here is a key to explain those letter codes:
1818 [SY] - 1834 [LA] → Executor
1818 [SY] - 1834 [LA] → Executor
1798 [EA] - 1798 [LA] → Owner
1809 [EA] - 1818 [LA] → Owner
1817 [EA] - → Attorney
1817 [EA] - → Attorney
1818 [EA] - 1832 [LA] → Trustee and Executor
Although shown in the compensation claim, John Baillie had died in 1832. He was appointed trustee and executor under the second codicil of Francis Grant's will, dated 1818, which gave him as of Lovell Hill Berkshire. |
1820 [EA] - → Attorney
1820 [EA] - 1834 [LA] → Previous owner
1823 [EA] - 1826 [LA] → Attorney
1823 [EA] - 1826 [LA] → Attorney
1829 [EA] - 1832 [LA] → Attorney
Associated Claims (1) |
£4,511 12S 10D
Estate Information (29) |
[Name] Blackness Estate
[Crop] sugar, rum, some cattle Under the direction of John Graham, William Fyffe and John Wedderburn attornies to John Wedderburn Esq. Account filed by Donald McNab as overseer for the year ending 31/12/1798.
Accounts Produce, Jamaica Archives 1B/11/4/24 183
[Name] Blackness
[Crop] Sugar Plotted in Westmoreland as a sugar estate with a watermill in James Robertson's 1804 map of Jamaica.
To the King's most excellent Majesty, this map of the island of Jamaica, constructed from actual surveys. . . (London, J. Robertson, 1804), based on Robertson's survey of the county of Cornwall which he compeleted in 1799.
[Name] Blackness Estate
[Crop] sugar, rum, cattle Account filed by John Lewis Donald McNab overseer. Under the direction of John Graham Esquire.
Accounts Produce, Jamaica Archives 1B/11/4/25 163
[Number of enslaved people] 293(Tot)
[Name] Blackness Registered in Westmoreland in Balcarres' letter to the Duke of Portland, dated 22/03/1800, taken at a vestry convened for that purpose 15/11/1799 and subsequent days. No ownership details given.
Papers Presented to the House of Commons of the 7th May 1804, Respecting the Slave Trade (Houses of Parliament, 1804) section G p. 36.
[Name] Blackness Estate
[Crop] sugar and rum Under the direction of Thomas Munro and James Colquhoun Grant Esquires, Attornies to Francis Grant Esq. Account filed by Charles Coole as overseer.
Accounts Produce, Jamaica Archives 1B/11/4/28 206
[Name] Blackness Estate
[Crop] sugar, rum, labour hire, logwood Under the direction of James Colquhoun Grant, attorney to Francis Grant Esq. Account filed by James Colquhoun Grant as overseer for the year ending 31/12/1803.
Accounts Produce, Jamaica Archives 1B/11/4/31 25
[Name] Blackness Estate
[Crop] sugar and rum, old steers, cows, logwood, old cows, old copper Owned by Francis Grant, Esq. Account given in the name of James Colquhoun Grant attorney to said estate. Account filed by Charles Coole, overseer to said estate,.
Accounts Produce, Jamaica Archvies 1B/11/4/32 202
[Name] Blackness
[Crop] sugar, rum cattle, logwood and hire of enslaved people Under the direction of James Wedderburn and James Colquhun Grant as attornies to Francis Grant Esq. Account presented by Niel McCullum as overseer.
Accounts Produce, Jamaica Archives 1B/11/4/37 157-158
[Number of enslaved people] 299(Tot)
[Name] Blackness [Stock] 241 Registered to Frances Grant.
Jamaica Almanac (1811) transcribed at The 1811 almanac was based on the givings-in of the March Quarter for 1810, hence the earlier evolution date.
[Number of enslaved people] 299(Tot)
[Name] Blackness [Stock] 171 Registered to Frances Grant.
Jamaica Almanac (1812) transcribed at The almanac was based on the givings-in of the previous March Quarter, hence the earlier evolution date.
[Number of enslaved people] 322(Tot)
[Name] Blackness Registered to Francis Grant.
Jamaica Almanac (1816) transcribed at The almanac was based on the givings-in of the previous March Quarter, hence the earlier evolution date.
[Number of enslaved people] 310(Tot) 177(F) 133(M)
[Name] Blackness Sugar Estate In the possession of James Colquhoun Grant and John Blyth as attorneys to Francis Grant Esquire the owner.
T71/178 194-198
[Number of enslaved people] 309(Tot)
[Name] Blackness [Stock] 331 Registered to Francis Grant.
Jamaica Almanac (1818) transcribed at The almanac was based on the givings-in of the previous March Quarter, hence the earlier evolution date.
[Number of enslaved people] 298(Tot)
[Name] Blackness [Stock] 332 Registered to Francis Grant. Number of stock unclear.
Jamaica Almanac (1820) transcribed at The almanac was based on the givings-in of the previous March Quarter, hence the earlier evolution date.
[Number of enslaved people] 290(Tot) 163(F) 127(M)
[Name] Blackness Estate In the possession of John Finlay as attorney to the heirs of Francis Grant deceased.
T71/179 Book 6 11
[Number of enslaved people] 293(Tot)
[Name] Blackness [Stock] 344 Registered to heirs of Francis Grant.
Jamaica Almanac (1821) transcribed at The almanac was based on the givings-in of the previous March Quarter, hence the earlier evolution date.
[Number of enslaved people] 291(Tot)
[Name] Blackness [Stock] 330 Registered to Francis Grant.
Jamaica Almanac (1822) transcribed at The almanac was based on the givings-in of the previous March Quarter, hence the earlier evolution date.
[Number of enslaved people] 276(Tot)
[Name] [no name given] In the possession of Edward Smith and William McKerr as attornies to the heirs of Francis Grant deceased.
T71/180 Book 5 33-34
[Number of enslaved people] 270(Tot)
[Name] Blackness [Stock] 305 Registered to heirs of Francis Grant.
Jamaica Almanac (1824) transcribed at The almanac was based on the givings-in of the previous March Quarter, hence the earlier evolution date.
[Number of enslaved people] 272(Tot)
[Name] Blackness [Stock] 254 Registered to Francis Grant.
Jamaica Almanac (1826) transcribed at The almanac was based on the givings-in of the previous March Quarter, hence the earlier evolution date.
[Number of enslaved people] 270(Tot) 157(F) 113(M)
[Name] [no name given] In the possession of Edward Smith and W. M. Kerr as attornies to the heirs of Francis Grant deceased.
T71/181 174
[Number of enslaved people] 268(Tot)
[Name] Blackness [Stock] 103 Registered to heirs of Francis Grant.
Jamaica Almanac (1827) transcribed at The almanac was based on the givings-in of the previous March Quarter, hence the earlier evolution date.
[Number of enslaved people] 258(Tot)
[Name] Blackness [Stock] 93 Registered to heirs of Francis Grant.
Jamaica Almanac (1828) transcribed at The almanac was based on the givings-in of the previous March Quarter, hence the earlier evolution date.
[Number of enslaved people] 255(Tot)
[Name] Blackness [Stock] 92 Registered to estate of Francis Grant.
Jamaica Almanac (1829) transcribed at The almanac was based on the givings-in of the previous March Quarter, hence the earlier evolution date.
[Number of enslaved people] 262(Tot)
[Name] [no name given] In the possession of William Glen as attorney to the heirs of Frans. Grant deceased.
T71/183 [unpaginated]
[Number of enslaved people] 253(Tot)
[Name] Blackness [Stock] 119 Registered to estate of Francis Grant.
Jamaica Almanac (1831) transcribed at The almanac was based on the givings-in of the previous March Quarter, hence the earlier evolution date.
[Number of enslaved people] 257(Tot)
[Name] Blackness [Stock] 113 Registered to estate of Francis Grant.
Jamaica Almanac (1832) transcribed at The almanac was based on the givings-in of the previous March Quarter, hence the earlier evolution date.
[Number of enslaved people] 265(Tot)
[Name] Blackness Sugar Plantation In the possession of William Glen Esquire as attorney to the heirs of Frs. Grant deceased.
T71/189 201
[Number of enslaved people] 258(Tot)
[Name] Blackness [Stock] 120 Registered to estate of Francis Grant.
Jamaica Almanac (1833) transcribed at The almanac was based on the givings-in of the previous March Quarter, hence the earlier evolution date.