Jamaica St Elizabeth 405

17th Jul 1837 | 9 Enslaved | £258 12s 11d

Claim Details

Claim Notes

Parliamentary Papers p. 302.

T71/1608: letter, dated 06/06/1836, from Margaret McGie (by birth Margaret Wheatly), Shakespeare Square, Edinburgh (Scotland), stating: 'I cherish firm expectation that in August or September I shall be prepared to substantiate my claim to the satisfaction of your Honours'. Margaret McGie's brother was Samuel Wheatley. Samuel Wheatley also left enslaved persons for their lives to Lavinia Bailey (one) and Margaret Cristie (four enslaved persons, two of each sex), and then to his brothers and sisters: 'I have every reason to believe that the forementioned persons Lavinia Bailey and Margaret Cristie are both dead'; 'I am happy that you are apprized of the fraudulent claim of my illegitimate nephew, Thomas Wheatly, for Compensation of 8 slaves with increase of one, and which were bequeathed to him for life only. In case therefore of the decease of my said kinsman I claim those nine slaves as my indisputable property'.

T71/1593 pp. 167-8: minatory letter from Court of Chancery, asking: is this the claim you are referring to?; 'It is right further to apprize you that...power is given to this Board to award costs to parties establishing their claims to compensation to be paid by the parties opposing such claims'.

Further Information

St Elizabeth
Claim No.

Associated Individuals (1)
