Anguilla 160

No Date | 44 Enslaved | £559 13s 4d

Claim Details

Claim Notes

No details of award made in the Parliamentary Papers under List C.

T71/1294: claim by Mary Smith Boyle as administratrix to the estate of Wm Richardson.

Trial estate.

Decision recorded for distribution of the compensation on 13/10/1840: £272 13s 2d to John Richardson and Wm Carty executors of Benj Richardson; £287 0s 2d to Mary Smith Boyle.

Reserve for 5 [?] enslaved persons of £83 5s 9d, total of £642 19s 1d.

Further Information

Claim No.

Associated Individuals (5)

Awardee (Executor or executrix)
Awardee (Executor or executrix)
Awardee (Administrator)
Other association
Other association