6th Feb 1837 | 93 Enslaved | £2009 18s 1d
Parliamentary Papers p. 326.
T71/897: claim by Richard K. Austin. Counterclaim from Elizabeth Bayne (widow), executrix of Joseph Odwin Bayne, as creditor by assignment of several judgements, and as mortgagee under decrees in Chancery (Barbadoes) for £5400 11s 11/4d. The claim was made by Bezsin K. Reece, her attorney.
Kathleen Mary Butler, The Economics of Emancipation: Jamaica and Barbados 1823-1843 (Chapel Hill and London, University of North Carolina Press, 1995), pp. 97 and 99: Elizabeth Bayne had mortgages secured on Social Hall in 1816 and 1817. She entered the counterclaim in 1835. She received all of the compensation having had no interest for two years. The award covered only 1/2 of the outstanding claim.
See also T71/1306 for the adjudication of contested claims in Barbados, and the minutes of the Court of Chancery.
Elizabeth Bayne was also creditor to John Barrow, owner of the Sunbury, Upton & Hampton plantations.
T71/1282: shows Elizabeth Bayne, of England, but gives no address.
T71/1282: Barbados claim no. 2097 includes the withdrawal of a counterclaim by Elizabeth Bayne, of Notting Hill Square in the City of Middx.
Claim No.
Social Hall
Awardee (Judgement creditor)
Unsuccessful claimant