18th Jan 1836 | 1 Enslaved | £63 0s 1d
Parliamentary Papers p. 134.
T71/1593 p. 115 and p. 381: letters, dated 20/02/1836 and 28/01/1837, to Rev. Stephen Isaacson, Dorking, on this claim. Reference to an affidavit from Mr Reid and a request to return the money for one enslaved person.
T71/1610: letter, dated 02/12/1836, from John G. Reed, Demerary, stating 'my power of attorney to receive comp. for a female domestic of my own has been returned to me with the following observation on the back': 'amended awrd to Rev Stephen Isaacson upon affidavit that the said J.G. Reed ought to have filed the claim as agent of Mr Isaacson and not as owner.' 'I must express my astonishment at this result, and trust that my representation of the falsehood of Mr Isaacson's affidavit as set forth will entitle me to receive this award which is most justly mine'.
T71/1593: Stephen Isaacson was requested to return the compensation, 28/01/1837.
British Guiana
Claim No.