25th Jan 1836 | 103 Enslaved | £5573 8s 11d
Parliamentary Papers p. 319.
T71/887: claim from William King, of New Court, Broad St., London, as the executor of Wm. Searles (deceased). Counterclaim from Elizabeth Searles, of No. 1 Morden Place, Lewisham Lane, Blackheath (Kent) - the widow of Wm. Searles Esq. - for an annuity of £200 payable under will of said Wm. Searles during the life of said Elizabeth Searles. William King admitted a varied counterclaim, which gave Elizabeth Searles the interest and dividends on the compensation for her life.
T71/433 p. 1741: enslaved persons were registered by W. Searles, for self (on Good Intent estate).
British Guiana
Claim No.
Good Intent
Beneficiary (Annuitant)
Awardee (Executor or executrix)