John Wood Nelson

Partnership Role

Nelson & Adam
Senior partner

West India merchant

No notes

Firm Notes

This firm had its origin as the trading firm of the Lascelles (later Harewood) family, and evolved into Wilkinson & Gaviller.

  1. Partnership between Nathaniel Elliott, Josiah Walley, John William Adam of Crutched Friars dissolved 1/5/1798.  Business carried on by John William Adam, Josiah Walley and John Wood Nelson under firm of Adam, Walley and Nelson.   

  2. May 1 1805 Partnership between John William Adam, Josiah Walley and John Wood Nelson of Crutched Friars expired this day. Business to be continued by John Wood Nelson and Benjamin Adam under Nelson and Adam.

  3. Co-partnership subsisting between John Wood Nelson, Benjamin Adam and John Henry Nelson of Savage Gardens, WI merchants, agents and factors trading under Nelson, Adam & Nelson dissolved 30/4/1838. John Henry Nelson and William Adam to continue as Nelson & Adam.  

  4. Dissolution of partnership of John Henry Nelson and William Adam of Great Tower Street WI merchants, agents and factors 30/4/1851  
  5. Chancery suit of Charles Charnock Nelson v Augustus Roots, Augustine Gaviller and Thomas James Wilkinson in advertisement for creditors of John Henry Nelson formerly of 30 Hyde Park Gardens after the latter's death 19/2/1875

Firm Sources

  1. London Gazette 15029 12/6/1798 p. 527

  2. London Gazette 15803 30/04/1805 p. 589

  3. London Gazette 19628 22/6/1838 p. 1424 

  4. London Gazette 21222 27/6/1851 p. 1688

  5. London Gazette 24222 25/6/1875 p. 3268