West India merchant (Colonial - Caribbean)
No notes
Nathaniel Milward identiifed Lowbridge Bright snd David Duncomb as his partners in his will proved 16/04/1779, PROB 11/1052/138.
Mercantile firm of Kingston, Jamaica, with partners in Bristol. Several other related partnerships appear to have been connected to the same men, including Duncomb & Savage
Jamaican accounts relating to N. Milward, Lowbridge and Richard Bright and D. Duncomb, including accounts of Duncomb, Savage & Co.; Bright, Milward & Duncomb; Bright & Duncomb; Bright & Milward; and D. Duncomb. Held with correspondence to Mr. Bengough & Palmer from Mr. Tarrant & Moule and between Lowbridge Bright, Duncomb & Pownall; accounts of Francis Bright with Henry Bright; details of goods received from J. McMillan by L. & R. Bright; and John McMillan's mortgage account.
https://gallery.its.unimelb.edu.au/imu/imu.php?request=multimedia&irn=15778; https://digitised-collections.unimelb.edu.au/handle/11343/112888