Associated People (4) |
The dates listed below have different categories as denoted by the letters in the brackets following each date. Here is a key to explain those letter codes:
1817 [EA] - 1817 [LA] → Joint owner
1820 [EA] - 1820 [LA] → Owner
1823 [EA] - 1823 [LA] → Previous owner
1826 [EA] - 1832 [LA] → Owner
The estate appears to have remained under mortgage to the vendor in this period. |
Associated Claims (1) |
£1,104 2S 3D
Estate Information (6) |
[Number of enslaved people] 46(Tot) 33(F) 13(M)
[Name] Knowsley Park Estate Return of George Titre and Thomas Vings, joint owners. This entry includes the names of enslaved children's mothers. St. Paul.
T71/339 229-231
[Number of enslaved people] 45(Tot) 29(F) 16(M)
[Name] Knowesley Park Returned by Thomas Vings, owner. St. Paul .
T71/350 174 - 175
[Number of enslaved people] 47(Tot) 30(F) 17(M)
[Name] Knowsley Park Estate Return of Thomas Vings, deceased owner; returned by Andrew S Ruse as executor. St. Paul.
T71/358 136
[Number of enslaved people] 51(Tot) 28(F) 23(M)
[Name] Knowsley Park Returned by William Henry Grano, owner; the enslaved were purchased from A S Ruse, executor of Thomas Vings; another return for this estate is found on pp 118-119 returned by A S Ruse. St. Paul.
T71/359 111-112
[Number of enslaved people] 51(Tot) 29(F) 22(M)
[Name] Knowsley Park Returned by W H Grano; includes a full return of the enslaved; the entry is by his surname rather than the name of the estate. St. Paul.
T71/361 230 - 232
[Number of enslaved people] 60(Tot) 33(F) 27(M)
[Name] Knowsly Park Estate Return of Wm. Henry Grano, owner. The entry is returned by the owner's surname rather than the name of the estate. This entry includes the names of enslaved children's mothers. 13 enslaved people were 'received from the division of the estate of Widow Belair'; one person was a 'gift by Dr. Laurent Krauss' will'. St. Paul.
T71/363 97-98