Associated People (1) |
The dates listed below have different categories as denoted by the letters in the brackets following each date. Here is a key to explain those letter codes:
1820 [EA] - 1829 [LA] → Trustee
Notes |
[No name given.] |
Estate Information (4) |
[Number of enslaved people] 26(Tot) 14(F) 12(M)
Returned by Michael Boland, trustee of W S E and A Serrant, joint owners; 20 enslaved people were 'inherited from the late J L Tavernier and removed from Mon Bijou Estate'; 3 enslaved people were 'inherited by their mother from J L Tavernier and registered by Eusebe Serrant in 1817'. St. Patrick.
T71/355 369
[Number of enslaved people] 28(Tot) 16(F) 12(M)
Return of heirs of Elizabeth Serrant, joint owners; returned by Michael Boland, trustee. St. Patrick.
T71/358 266
[Number of enslaved people] 25(Tot) 13(F) 12(M)
Returned by Michael Boland, trustee of the heirs of Elizabeth Serrant, joint owners . St. Patrick.
T71/360 234
[Number of enslaved people] 26(Tot) 13(F) 13(M)
Returned by Michael Boland, trustee of the heirs of the estate of Elizabeth Serrant, joint owners; includes a full return of the enslaved; one of the enslaved people listed was 'bequeathed to Amelia Boland by one of the heirs, S Ls. Serrant'. St. Patrick.
T71/362 565 - 566