Associated People (5) |
The dates listed below have different categories as denoted by the letters in the brackets following each date. Here is a key to explain those letter codes:
1809 [EA] - 1811 [LA] → Owner
1817 [EA] - 1823 [LA] → Owner
1825 [EA] - 1839 [LA] → Previous owner
1826 [EA] - 1834 [LA] → Trustee and Executor
1829 [EA] - 1832 [LA] → Trustee
Associated Claims (1) |
£3,655 2S 6D
Estate Information (22) |
[Number of enslaved people] 158(Tot)
[Name] Sheldon [Stock] 23 Registered to John Bull senior.
Jamaica Almanac (1811) transcribed at The 1811 almanac was based on the givings-in of the March Quarter for 1809, hence the earlier evolution date.
[Number of enslaved people] 162(Tot)
[Name] Sheldon [Stock] 17 Registered to John Bull senior.
Jamaica Almanac (1812) transcribed at The almanac was based on the givings-in of the previous March Quarter, hence the earlier evolution date.
[Number of enslaved people] 189(Tot)
[Name] Sheldon [Stock] 13 Registered to John Bull.
Jamaica Almanac (1816) transcribed at The almanac was based on the givings-in of the previous March Quarter, hence the earlier evolution date.
[Number of enslaved people] 184(Tot) 82(F) 102(M)
[Name] [no name given] In the possession of John Bull as owner.
T71/139 17
[Number of enslaved people] 185(Tot)
[Name] Sheldon [Stock] 15 Registered to John Bull.
Jamaica Almanac (1818) transcribed at The almanac was based on the givings-in of the previous March Quarter, hence the earlier evolution date.
[Number of enslaved people] 188(Tot)
[Name] Sheldon [Stock] 2 Registered to John Bull.
Jamaica Almanac (1820) transcribed at The almanac was based on the givings-in of the previous March Quarter, hence the earlier evolution date.
[Number of enslaved people] 202(Tot) 89(F) 113(M)
[Name] Sheldon Plantation In the possession of John Bull as owner of Sheldon Plantation. Enslaved total at last return 102 men 82 women (184).
T71/140 24
[Number of enslaved people] 197(Tot)
[Name] Sheldon [Stock] 3 Registered to John Bull.
Jamaica Almanac (1821) transcribed at The almanac was based on the givings-in of the previous March Quarter, hence the earlier evolution date.
[Number of enslaved people] 212(Tot)
[Name] Sheldon [Stock] 15 Registered to John Bull.
Jamaica Almanac (1822) transcribed at The almanac was based on the givings-in of the previous March Quarter, hence the earlier evolution date.
[Number of enslaved people] 206(Tot) 95(F) 111(M)
[Name] [no name given] In the possession of John Bull as proprietor. Enslaved total at last return 113 men 89 women (202).
T71/141 53
[Number of enslaved people] 211(Tot)
[Name] Sheldon [Stock] 16 Registered to John Bull.
Jamaica Almanac (1824) transcribed at The almanac was based on the givings-in of the previous March Quarter, hence the earlier evolution date.
[Number of enslaved people] 202(Tot)
[Name] Sheldon [Stock] 13 Registered to John Bull deceased.
Jamaica Almanac (1826) transcribed at The almanac was based on the givings-in of the previous March Quarter, hence the earlier evolution date.
[Number of enslaved people] 201(Tot) 94(F) 106(M)
[Name] [no name given] In the possession of James Simpson as trustee and executor of the late John Bull deceased. Enslaved total at last return 111 men 95 women (206).
T71/142 291
[Number of enslaved people] 214(Tot)
[Name] Sheldon [Stock] 13 Registered to John Bull deceased.
Jamaica Almanac (1827) transcribed at The almanac was based on the givings-in of the previous March Quarter, hence the earlier evolution date.
[Number of enslaved people] 211(Tot)
[Name] Sheldon Registered to John Bull deceased.
Jamaica Almanac (1828) transcribed at The almanac was based on the givings-in of the previous March Quarter, hence the earlier evolution date.
[Number of enslaved people] 208(Tot)
[Name] Sheldon Registered to John Bull deceased.
Jamaica Almanac (1829) transcribed at The almanac was based on the givings-in of the previous March Quarter, hence the earlier evolution date.
[Number of enslaved people] 194(Tot) 102(F) 92(M)
[Name] [no name given] In the possession of Simon Taylor as trustee of John Bull deceased. Enslaved total at last return 106 men 96 women (201).
T71/143 273
[Number of enslaved people] 203(Tot)
[Name] Sheldon Registered to John Bull deceased.
Jamaica Almanac (1831) transcribed at The almanac was based on the givings-in of the previous March Quarter, hence the earlier evolution date.
[Number of enslaved people] 204(Tot)
[Name] Sheldon Registered to John Bull deceased.
Jamaica Almanac (1832) transcribed at The almanac was based on the givings-in of the previous March Quarter, hence the earlier evolution date.
[Number of enslaved people] 186(Tot) 91(F) 95(M)
[Name] [no name given] In the possession of Simon Taylor as trustee for John Bull deceased. Enslaved total at last return 103 men 91 women (194).
T71/144 281
[Number of enslaved people] 262(Tot)
[Name] Sheldon Registered to John Bull deceased.
Jamaica Almanac (1833) transcribed at The almanac was based on the givings-in of the previous March Quarter, hence the earlier evolution date.
[Name] Sheldon (300 acres inSt. George's)
[Size] 509 Registered to the estate of John Bull.
Jamaica Almanac (1840) transcribed at The almanac was based on the givings-in of the previous March Quarter, hence the earlier evolution date.