Associated People (3) |
The dates listed below have different categories as denoted by the letters in the brackets following each date. Here is a key to explain those letter codes:
1809 [EA] - 1825 [EY] → Owner
1830 [EA] - 1831 [LA] → Previous owner
1832 [EA] - 1834 [LA] → Owner
Associated Claims (1) |
£843 9S 1D
Estate Information (17) |
[Number of enslaved people] 47(Tot)
[Name] Islington [Stock] 10 Registered to Samuel Greaves.
Jamaica Almanac (1811) transcribed at The almanac was based on the givings-in of the previous March Quarter, hence the earlier evolution date.
[Number of enslaved people] 32(Tot) 17(F) 15(M)
[Name] [no name given] In the possession of Samuel Greives as owner. [Has this entry been scored out or just marked?]
[Number of enslaved people] 38(Tot)
[Name] Islington [Stock] 14 Registered to Samuel Greaves.
Jamaica Almanac (1818) transcribed at The almanac was based on the givings-in of the previous March Quarter, hence the earlier evolution date.
[Number of enslaved people] 16(Tot) 10(F) 6(M)
[Name] [no name given] In the possession of Samuel Greaves as husband to Jane Foster Greaves.
T71/164 441-442
[Number of enslaved people] 38(Tot)
[Name] Islington [Stock] 18 Registered to Samuel Graves.
Jamaica Almanac (1820) transcribed at The almanac was based on the givings-in of the previous March Quarter, hence the earlier evolution date.
[Number of enslaved people] 36(Tot) 17(F) 19(M)
[Name] [no name given] In the possession of Samuel Greaves as owner.
T71/167 283
[Number of enslaved people] 57(Tot)
[Name] [no name given] [Stock] 16 Registered to Samuel Greaves.
Jamaica Almanac (1821) transcribed at The almanac was based on the givings-in of the previous March Quarter, hence the earlier evolution date.
[Number of enslaved people] 20(Tot)
[Name] [no name given] [Stock] 20 Registered to Samuel Greaves.
Jamaica Almanac (1822) transcribed at The almanac was based on the givings-in of the previous March Quarter, hence the earlier evolution date.
[Number of enslaved people] 45(Tot) 23(F) 22(M)
[Name] [no name given] In the possession of Samuel Graves as owner. 8 enslaved people inherited by the death of John Smith.
T71/168 318-319
[Number of enslaved people] 20(Tot)
[Name] Islington [Stock] 50 Registered to Samuel Greaves.
Jamaica Almanac (1824) transcribed at The almanac was based on the givings-in of the previous March Quarter, hence the earlier evolution date.
[Number of enslaved people] 10(Tot)
[Name] Islington Registered to Samuel Greaves.
Jamaica Almanac (1826) transcribed at The almanac was based on the givings-in of the previous March Quarter, hence the earlier evolution date.
[Number of enslaved people] 16(Tot) 9(F) 7(M)
[Name] [no name given] In the possession of John Greaves as owner. Previous registration was for 37 enslaved people. Delivered to Thomas Kelly[?], parish of Westmoreland.
T71/169 332-333
[Number of enslaved people] 39(Tot) 23(F) 16(M)
[Name] [no name given] In the possession of Jane F. Greaves as owner. Registered in Manchester in 1826.
T71/172 [Unpaginated]
[Number of enslaved people] 8(Tot)
[Name] Islington Registered to Samuel Greaves deceased.
Jamaica Almanac (1831) transcribed at The almanac was based on the givings-in of the previous March Quarter, hence the earlier evolution date.
[Number of enslaved people] 10(Tot)
[Name] Islington Registered to Samuel Greaves deceased.
Jamaica Almanac (1832) transcribed at The almanac was based on the givings-in of the previous March Quarter, hence the earlier evolution date.
[Number of enslaved people] 39(Tot) 21(F) 18(M)
[Name] [no name given] In the possession of Jane F. Greaves as owner.
T71/177 523
[Name] Islington
[Size] 600 Registered to heirs of S. Graves.
Jamaica Almanac (1840) transcribed at The almanac was based on the givings-in of the previous March Quarter, hence the earlier evolution date.