Associated People (4) |
The dates listed below have different categories as denoted by the letters in the brackets following each date. Here is a key to explain those letter codes:
1783 [SY] - 1816 [LA] → Owner
1803 [EA] - 1812 [LA] → Mortgage Holder
1817 [EA] - 1828 [LA] → Owner
1828 [EA] - 1828 [LA] → Attorney
Associated Claims (1) |
£889 10S 1D
Estate Information (5) |
[Number of enslaved people] 61(Tot)
[Name] Little Joseph Whittingham attorney of John Duer proprietor (Little Estate)
T71/245 291-292
[Number of enslaved people] 60(Tot)
[Name] Little Duers James Croke attorney to John Duer, Small estate of John Duer commonly called Little Duers
T71/246 578-580
[Number of enslaved people] 65(Tot)
[Name] Small estate of John Duer commonly called Little Duers James Croke attorney to John Duer, Small estate of John Duer commonly called Little Duers
T71/248 159-160
[Name] Little Duers
David Cranstoun atty to John Duer proprietor. The estate is identified as Little Duers in the affidavit p. 196.
T71/249 195-196
[Number of enslaved people] 69(Tot)
[Name] Little Duers John Rose on behalf of John Freeland attorney to the assignees of Little Duers estate.
T71/250 747-748