Associated People (2) |
The dates listed below have different categories as denoted by the letters in the brackets following each date. Here is a key to explain those letter codes:
1825 [EA] - 1828 [LA] → Owner
1831 [EA] - 1831 [LA] → Owner
Estate Information (6) |
[Name] Overyssel
Plantagie Overyssel. Eigenaar [owner] J.Aegidius; Adminis. D.B. Bourgeios and N.G von Wrobilowsky; Directeur N.G. von Wrobilowsky.
Naam-Lyst...op de colonie de Berbice (1794) [transcribed by Paul Koulen, 2011] p.11
[Number of enslaved people] 75(Tot) 33(F) 42(M)
[Name] Pln Overyssel 1818 registration made by W.W. Helder attorney 22/12/1817 for Pln Overvyssel the property of the heirs of J. [or F.] Aegedius
T71/437 8
[Number of enslaved people] 138(Tot)
[Name] Overyssel Return of slaves the property of John Downer attached to Pln Overvyssel, this return made by John Downer proprietor. 133 + 31 (16M 15F) - 26 (8M 18F) = 138.
T71/442 267-268
[Number of enslaved people] 143(Tot)
[Name] Overyssel Return of slaves the property of John Downer attached to Pln Overvyssel, this return made by John Downer proprietor
T71/443 663-664
[Name] Over Yssel [sic]
Return of slaves the property of John Downer on Over Vyssel. The plantation and 119 enslaved people were bought by John Ross the mortgagee by execution and under sentence 09/10/1828.
T71/444 237-240
[Number of enslaved people] 115(Tot)
[Name] Overyssel Property of John Ross attached to Pln Overyssel. This entry records the purchase at execution sale of Pln Overyssel of the enslaved people previously registered by John Downer.
T71/444 918-925