Associated People (3) |
The dates listed below have different categories as denoted by the letters in the brackets following each date. Here is a key to explain those letter codes:
1817 [EA] - → Owner
1825 [EA] - 1832 [LA] → Joint owner
1825 [EA] - 1832 [LA] → Joint owner
Notes |
Berbice - not yet traced in the compensation records but possibly BG no. 363 |
Estate Information (4) |
[Number of enslaved people] 190(Tot) 80(F) 110(M)
[Name] Bohemia Return of slaves attached to Plantation Bohemia situate east sea coast the property of W. Katz [signed by W. Katz 24/12/1817]
T71/437 191-193
[Number of enslaved people] 196(Tot)
[Name] Bohemia Return of slaves the property of Wolfert Katz, Wm Katz, Geo Katz and Mrs Philo, attached to Plan Bohemia 179 + 23 (13m 10f) - 6 (3m 3f) = 196. All the 'increases' were by births.
T71/442 467-472
[Number of enslaved people] 198(Tot)
[Name] Bohemia Return of slaves attached to Pln Bohemia the property of Wolfert Katz, William Katz, George Katz and Mrs Munro by Wolfert Katz qq. G. Lowenfeld
T71/443 59-60
[Name] Bohemia
Return of slaves the property of Wolfert Katz, Wm Katz, Geo. Katz and Mrs Munro attached to Pln Bohemia by W.Katz qq. The enslaved people appear to have been divided between the four named Katzs, 'no slaves remaining attached to Pln Bohemia.' On the following pages Charles Kyte registered 47 people, all from Bohemia for Geo.Katz [pp. 257-260]; William Katz registered 49 enslaved people from Pln Bohemia [pp. 265-268]; Wolfert Katz registered 49 ensalved people from Pln Bohemia [pp. 285-288].
T71/444 247-256