Associated People (1) |
The dates listed below have different categories as denoted by the letters in the brackets following each date. Here is a key to explain those letter codes:
1804 [EA] - 1834 [LA] → Owner
Associated Claims (1) |
£3,926 12S 0D
Notes |
In 1746 John Jeaves of St. Andrew gave over to trustees, named as Hon. Philip Gibbes, Hon William Sandiford & Ward Morris, all of St. Peter, his plantation in St. Andrew, Belleplain, to be managed by them on his behalf in order to pay his creditors while making him an annual allowance for support of himself and his family. The estate was 146 acres. |
Estate Information (7) |
[Name] Belleplaine
[Size] 146 John Jeaves of St. Andrew gave over to trustees, named as Hon. Philip Gibbes, Hon William Sandiford & Ward Morris (all of St. Peter), his plantation in St. Andrew to be managed by them on his behalf in order to pay his creditors while making him an annual allowance for support of himself and his family.
Barbados Department of Archives. Hughes-Queree Index of Plantations.
[Number of enslaved people] 74(Tot)
In a Levy Book list for an unidentified parish [but probably St Andrew], Barbados, 1804, William Marshall Morris was listed as owning 74 enslaved. This was possibly a reference to Belle Place (or Belleplain).
Barbados Department of Archives, RB9/3/7. Levy Book for unidentified parish, [probably St Andrew] 1804.
[Number of enslaved people] 124(Tot) 61(F) 63(M)
[Name] Belle Plain Return of William Marshall Morris, his own property.
T71/522 337-40
[Number of enslaved people] 158(Tot)
[Name] [no name given] Return of William M. Morris, his own property. Previously 122 enslaved. Since 1820 the changes in the enslaved were: births: 25; ". . . slaves stated by Mary Butler to be sold to me in 1820 after I had registered my own slaves and were therefore omitted to be registered but permission now granted by the Governor and Council": 26; deaths 15. The Mary Butler in question was possibly Mary Butler, Awardee, Barbados 23 [8 Enslaved].
T71/530 450-52
[Number of enslaved people] 153(Tot)
[Name] [No name given] Return of William M. Morris, his own property.
T71/537 204-5
[Number of enslaved people] 156(Tot)
[Name] [Name not given] Return of William Marshall Morris, his own property.
T71/543 338
[Number of enslaved people] 166(Tot)
[Name] [No name given] Return of William Marshall Morris, his own property.
T71/550 342-3