
Estate Details

Associated People (3)

The dates listed below have different categories as denoted by the letters in the brackets following each date. Here is a key to explain those letter codes:

  • SD - Association Start Date
  • SY - Association Start Year
  • EA - Earliest Known Association
  • ED - Association End Date
  • EY - Association End Year
  • LA - Latest Known Association
1829 [EA] - 1832 [LA] → Trust beneficiary
1829 [EA] - 1832 [LA] → Trust beneficiary
1832 [EA] - 1834 [LA] → Trustee

In trust to Sarah Waterman for the children of William Thomas Clarke and Mary Francis Clarke.

Associated Claims (1)

£471 17S 10D


[No name given.]

Estate Information (2)

What is this?

[Number of enslaved people] 16(Tot)  

Return of Sarah Waterman, capacity not specified [although she was later the trustee], the property of Thomas and Mary Francis Clarke, the children of William Clarke. NB that this return was made in St George whereas the 1832 one was in St Philip.

T71/543 115-16
[Number of enslaved people] 20(Tot)  

Return of Sarah Waterman, capacity not specified, the property of Thomas and Mary Francis Clarke, the children of William Clarke.

T71/549 244