Associated People (2) |
The dates listed below have different categories as denoted by the letters in the brackets following each date. Here is a key to explain those letter codes:
1837 [SY] - → Owner
James Thomas Rogers bought the Lammings estate, St Joseph, in 1837 from James Wm Biddy for £10,000. He paid a deposit of £8571 and undertook to clear the debts of the estate. |
1823 [EA] - 1834 [LA] → Owner
Associated Claims (1) |
£1,506 18S 11D
Estate Information (5) |
[Number of enslaved people] 22(Tot)
[Name] [no name given] Return of James W. Bibby, his own property. No previous return. 21 enslaved by marriage with Elizabeth M. Yearwood; births: 3; deaths: 2.
T71/530 302
[Number of enslaved people] 36(Tot)
[Name] [No name given] Return of James William Bibby, his own property. Previously 22 enslaved.
T71/537 81
[Number of enslaved people] 61(Tot)
[Name] [No name given] Return of James William Bibby, his own property.
T71/543 215-17
[Number of enslaved people] 69(Tot)
Return of James William Bibby, his own property.
T71/550 234
[Name] Lammings
[Size] 141 Listed in St Joseph, property of McClean.
Barbados 1913 list from the Hughes-Quere indexes transcribed at