Associated People (1) |
The dates listed below have different categories as denoted by the letters in the brackets following each date. Here is a key to explain those letter codes:
1817 [EA] - 1817 [LA] → Owner
Tentative association only with Anne Waterton: the 1817 Demerara Slave Register shows 'A. Waterton.' |
Associated Claims (1) |
£4,362 5S 2D
Estate Information (4) |
[Number of enslaved people] 56(Tot) 19(F) 37(M)
[Name] Dumbarton Castle Registered by P. McLaggan [sic] attorney of A. Waterton prop.
T71/397 D3 1020
[Number of enslaved people] 52(Tot) 14(F) 38(M)
[Name] Dumbarton Castle George Buchanan attorney.
T71/413 D1
[Number of enslaved people] 55(Tot) 22(F) 33(M)
[Name] Dumbarton Castle In lawful possession of the heirs of Thomas Waterton by their attorney McInroy Sandbach
T71/415 722-723
[Number of enslaved people] 77(Tot) 31(F) 46(M)
[Name] Dumbarton Castle Belonging to Pln Dumbarton Castle, in lawful possession of William Elliot [signed by Wm Elliot].
T71/433 1884-1885