Associated Claims (1) |
£2,342 12S 2D
Inferred association by ownership and attorney in 1828 and by size
Notes |
Not yet traced in the compensation records |
Estate Information (7) |
[Number of enslaved people] 48(Tot)
[Name] Philippine [Crop] Sugar Return of Montrose Philip, manager; owners Susanne and Louis Philip
T71/501 430-432
[Number of enslaved people] 56(Tot)
[Name] Philippine [Crop] Sugar Louis Philip, for himself and Susannah Philip, owners.
T 71/508 327 - 327 v
[Number of enslaved people] 57(Tot)
[Name] Philippine [Crop] Sugar Louis Philip, for himself and Susanne Philip, owners [increase by 5 births, 2 purchases].
T 71/511 339 v - 340
[Number of enslaved people] 60(Tot)
[Name] Philippine [Crop] Sugar William Robin, administrator, for the heirs of the late Louis Philip and Susanne Philip, owners [increase by 2 births, 6 purchases].
T 71/513 286 v - 287
[Number of enslaved people] 61(Tot)
[Name] Philippine [Crop] Sugar Return of William Robin administrator, owned by heirs of late Louis Philip and Susanne Philip
T71/515 1942
[Number of enslaved people] 55(Tot)
[Name] Philippine [Crop] Sugar Thomas R Crosbie, agent, for widow Fortin Philip and four of her children, late the property of the heirs of the late Louis Philip and Susanne Philip [increase by births].
T 71/517 226 v - 227
[Number of enslaved people] 55(Tot)
[Name] Philippine and Champs Fleurs [Crop] Sugar Thomas R Crosbie, agent, for widow Fortin Philip and her four children, owners [increase by births].
T 71/519 276 v - 277