Associated People (1) |
The dates listed below have different categories as denoted by the letters in the brackets following each date. Here is a key to explain those letter codes:
Not known
Alleged to have been owned by the late John Lindsay of Dublin in a letter to the Commissioners from George Greer (q.v.) in 1835. The Commissioners replied that they had no record of any claim filed on Auzonville. In the Slave Registers the estate has only been traced up to 1828, when it was in the hands of Leonardo Sorzano. |
Notes |
Not yet traced in the compensation records |
Estate Information (5) |
[Number of enslaved people] 43(Tot)
[Name] Auzouville [sic] [Crop] Sugar Gabriel Debreny owner
T71/501 623-625
[Number of enslaved people] 38(Tot)
[Name] Auzonville [Crop] Sugar F Decreny, for the widow Decreny and her children, owners.
T 71/508 180 verso - 180A
[Number of enslaved people] 42(Tot)
[Name] Auzonville [Crop] Sugar Anne, Widow De Creny, for herself and her children, owners [increase by births].
T 71/511 180 v - 181
[Number of enslaved people] 42(Tot)
[Name] Auzonville [Crop] Sugar Ferdinand De Creny, heir, for himself, Widow De Creny and the heirs of the late Gabriel De Creny, owners [increase by births].
T 71/513 178 v
[Number of enslaved people] 34(Tot)
[Name] Auzouville [sic] [Crop] Sugar Owned by Leonard Sorzano, late the property of widow and heirs of Gabriel de Bremy
T71/515 f.1854