Louis Lewis
Profile & Legacies Summary
No Dates
Claimant or beneficiary
Resident Jamaica merchant, partner with his absentee sister Sophia Levy Lewis (q.v.), and awarded in his own name the compensation for two enslaved people in Kingston Jamaica.
- Partnership heretofore existing between Sophia Levy Lewis and Louis Lewis under the style of Lewis and Brother, in the city of Kingston, in the island of Jamaica, in the West Indies, as Merchants and Storekeepers, dissolved by mutual consent 14/04/1859, the business to be carried on by Louis Lewis all alone.
Kingston no. 1810.
- London Gazette, Issue 22252, 19/04/1859, p. 1639.
Associated Claims (1)
Associated Estates (1)
The dates listed below have different categories as denoted by the letters in the brackets following each date. Here is a key to explain those letter codes:
- SD - Association Start Date
- SY - Association Start Year
- EA - Earliest Known Association
- ED - Association End Date
- EY - Association End Year
- LA - Latest Known Association
1832 [EA] - → Attorney
Legacies Summary