Edmund Pontifex

No Dates

Claimant or beneficiary


London coppersmith, of Shoe Lane, one of a group of apparently unsuccessful counterclaimants identified as assignees of 'Messrs Plummer and Wildman' for the compensation for the enslaved people on Richmond Hill in Jamaica and (more accurately) as assignees of 'John Plummer and William Wilson' for the compensation for a second award, on Nevis. John Plummer (q.v.) had been MP for Hindon 1820-1826.

  1. Dissolution of the partnership of William Pontifex, Son and Russell Pontifex, coppersmiths of Shoe Lane 24/06/1813 by the retirement of Russell Pontifex: Edmund Pontifex was the 'Son.'


T71/873 St James no. 25 (which appears to give him as 'Edward' Pontifex); T71/882 Nevis no. 20.

  1. London Gazette 16747 29/06/1813 p. 1282

Further Information


Associated Claims (2)

£849 15s 8d
Unsuccessful claimant (Assignee)
£345 0s 11d
Unsuccessful claimant (Assignee)