No Dates
There is a long list of estates associated with John Salmon as attorney, for which it is unclear to which John Salmon each refers, either Hon. John Salmon or his son John Salmon Jr. (each of whom q.v.). .
The dates listed below have different categories as denoted by the letters in the brackets following each date. Here is a key to explain those letter codes:
1817 [EA] - 1823 [LA] → Attorney
1817 [EA] - 1823 [LA] → Attorney
1817 [EA] - 1823 [LA] → Attorney
1817 [EA] - → Attorney
1817 [EA] - → Attorney
1817 [EA] - 1823 [LA] → Attorney
1817 [EA] - → Attorney
1817 [EA] - 1823 [LA] → Attorney
1820 [EA] - 1823 [LA] → Attorney
1817 [EA] - 1823 [LA] → Attorney
1820 [EA] - 1823 [LA] → Attorney
1820 [EA] - 1823 [LA] → Attorney
1820 [EA] - → Attorney
1817 [EA] - 1823 [LA] → Attorney
1820 [EA] - 1823 [LA] → Attorney
1829 [EA] - → Executor
1820 [EA] - → Attorney
1820 [EA] - → Attorney
1817 [EA] - 1823 [LA] → Attorney