John Colhoun Mills Esq.

???? - 18th Jul 1828


John Colhoun Mills, Esq., late president of the island of Nevis, died on his passage from the West Indies.

  1. Will of John Colhoun Mills of [Nevis now residing at] Hitchin Hertfordshire [made in 1813] proved 04/06/1830. In the will, he urged his wife to stay in Nevis in the house on the estate of 'his honoured father,' and to continue to manage both that estate and another estate leased from the Rev. Joseph Herbert Pemberton and William Maynard Pemberton called Hulbards [sic, presumably Hulberts].


Edmund Burke, ed The Annual Register of World Events: A Review of the Year, Volume 70, pg. 247.

  1. PROB 11/1772/329.

Further Information


Associated Estates (3)

The dates listed below have different categories as denoted by the letters in the brackets following each date. Here is a key to explain those letter codes:

  • SD - Association Start Date
  • SY - Association Start Year
  • EA - Earliest Known Association
  • ED - Association End Date
  • EY - Association End Year
  • LA - Latest Known Association
1817 [EA] - 1817 [LA] → Owner

Given as owner in 1817 but shown in his will proved in 1828 as lessee from the Pembertons.

1825 [EA] - 1825 [LA] → Receiver
1822 [EA] - 1828 [LA] → Owner

Relationships (3)

First Cousins
Notes →
William Maynard Mills' father, also William Maynard Mills, and John Colhoun Mills' father, John, were brothers, the sons of Thomas Mills of Great St Helens and Nevis....
Nephew → Uncle
Notes →
Thomas Milliken Mills was the brother of John Colhoun Mills' father John [d. c. 1784], the two men sons of Thomas Mills of Great St Helens and Nevis....
Son → Father

Addresses (1)

Hitchin, Hertfordshire, South-east England, England
Notes →

Of Hitchin when he made his will in 1813.