1744 - 1829
In a Levy Book list for St James, Barbados, 1822, Hoyte was listed as owning 49 enslaved and 5 acres of land. The name of the estate (or estates) was not given.
Almost certainly the Mary Anne Hoyte who was buried in St James, Barbados, 14 March 1829 and is estimated to have been born in 1744.
Levy Book for St James, 1822. Barbados Department of Archives, RB9/3/7; Barbados Church Records, 1637-1887, FamilySearch, accessed 15 April 2016.
The dates listed below have different categories as denoted by the letters in the brackets following each date. Here is a key to explain those letter codes:
1817 [EA] - 1823 [LA] → Owner