???? - 1754
Slave-owner in Jamaica. James Woodcock was listed in the Jamaican Quit Rent books for 1754 as the owner of 1148 acres of land in Westmoreland.
'A List of landholders in the Island of Jamaica together with the number of acres each person possessed taken from the quit rent books in the year 1754', TNA CO 142/31 transcribed at http://www.jamaicanfamilysearch.com/Samples2/1754lead.htm.
Margaret Cowper
Dorothy; James
The dates listed below have different categories as denoted by the letters in the brackets following each date. Here is a key to explain those letter codes:
1754 [EA] - 1778 [LA] → Previous owner
1744 [EA] - 1744 [LA] → Owner
Business partners
Notes →
Nathan Sprigg was identified as his partner in the will of James Woodcock made in 1750 and proved in...
Father → Son
Hatton Garden, London, Middlesex, London, England
Frenchay, Gloucestershire, South-west England, England