1720 - 1804
Slave-owner in Jamaica, owner of St Iago in Clarendon 1773-1775. Given as David Oliphant in the Accounts Produce. Almost certainly David Olyphant of South Carolina, nephew and heir of David, Lord Olyphant (q.v.).
Ed. D. McDougall, Scots and Scots' Descendants in America (1917) pp. 324-325. Life-dates are approximate: other sources give 1723-1805.
The dates listed below have different categories as denoted by the letters in the brackets following each date. Here is a key to explain those letter codes:
1773 [EA] - 1775 [LA] → Owner
Cultural (1) |
Portrait of Dr David Olyphant (1720 or 1723-1805) attributed to Samuel Finley Breese Morse (possibly from a previous engraving by another hand). Now in the Larz Anderson house, Washington...
notes → ...
Nephew → Uncle