No Dates
Maiden Name
Zachary Bayly Edwards
The dates listed below have different categories as denoted by the letters in the brackets following each date. Here is a key to explain those letter codes:
1805 [EA] - 1805 [LA] → Heir
Co-heir with her brother Rowland Otto Baijer of their aunt Rachael Pare |
1805 [EA] - 1805 [LA] → Heir
With her brother Rowland Otto Baijer, she was left the Waterford estate under the will of their aunt Rachel Warner (nee Pare) |
Daughter → Father
Mother → Son
Widow → Deceased Husband
Niece → Aunt
Notes →
Rachael Warner described Katherine Edwards as her niece in her will; and Katherine Edwards referred to her 'late aunt' in her own...
Wimpole Street, London, Middlesex, London, England
Notes →
Her will made in 1808 shows her as formerly of Wimpole Street. |