No Dates
Attorney on Laroche's estate on Antigua in 1821, and a small-scale slave-owner in the Slave Registers between 1817/8 and 1832. To date no larger-scale ownership of people or estates has been found, although he was described as 'planter' in the will of William Carr R.N. (dated 08/04/1807), in which George Carr was described by William Carr as 'my friend and namesake'.
Vere Langford Oliver, History of Antigua Vol. 3 p. 352.
We are grateful to Audrey Dewjee for drawing LBS' attention to George Carr and his daughter Leonora Casey Carr.
The dates listed below have different categories as denoted by the letters in the brackets following each date. Here is a key to explain those letter codes:
1821 [EA] - 1821 [LA] → Attorney