Mark Hall
Profile & Legacies Summary
No Dates
Slave-owner in Jamaica, mortgagor in 1741 of a half-share in Orange River estate and the enslaved people attached to it in St Mary.
In 1736, Mark Hall of St. Mary settled inter alia certain slaves upon his wife, Lettice, the daughter of Richard Bathurst (q.v.)
James, the son of Mark and Lettice Hall, was born 10/08/1745 and baptised on 28/09/1745.
Mark Hall was listed in the Jamaican Quit Rent books for 1754 as the owner of 3201 acres of land in St Mary.
We are grateful to Steven Carter for assistance in compiling this entry.
- Reade, Johnson Gleanings, p. 8.
Aleyn Lyell Reade, Francis Barber, the Doctor's [Black] Servant. Francis, 1912.
- FamilySearch, Kingston Baptism Records, 1745, p. 85, image 48.
- "A List of landholders in the Island of Jamaica together with the number of acres each person possessed taken from the quit rent books in the year 1754", TNA CO 142/31, transcribed at 'Wyllis and Hall' were listed in the Jamaican Quit Rent books for 1754 as the owners of 1300 acres of land in St Thomas-in-the-East; this probably refers to Benjamin Wyllis and William Hall given the former had a son named William Hall Wyllis or Wyllys.
Associated Estates (1)
The dates listed below have different categories as denoted by the letters in the brackets following each date. Here is a key to explain those letter codes:
- SD - Association Start Date
- SY - Association Start Year
- EA - Earliest Known Association
- ED - Association End Date
- EY - Association End Year
- LA - Latest Known Association
1741 [EA] - 1741 [LA] → Owner
Mortgagor of a half share in Orange River in 1741.