1719 - 1800
London wine merchant with an entry in the ODNB as 'wine merchant and philanthropist'. Benjamin Kenton of London merchant appears as one of more than a dozen London merchants in the recitation of a deed of 08/06/1771 whereby William Byam of St Vincent sold annuities totalling £1010 p.a. secured on his estate and named enslaved people in St George on St Vincent in exchange for £10,040. The schedule specifying the annuitants referred to in the deed is missing, but the narrative suggests that Benjamin Kenton and others grouped together in the third part of the deed were the purchasers of the annuities.
Moore, Norman, and Christine Clark. "Kenton, Benjamin (1719–1800), wine merchant and philanthropist." Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. 23 Sep. 2004; Accessed 20 Oct. 2020. https://www.oxforddnb.com/view/10.1093/ref:odnb/9780198614128.001.0001/odnb-9780198614128-e-15428; EAP 668 Deed Book 1785, British Library, EAP688/1/1/1, https://eap.bl.uk/archive-file/EAP688-1-1-1 pp. 371-389. The deed of 1785 deals with the efforts of the trustees Harry and Isaac Thompson to better secure the annuities by increasing their control of the estate.
Married but no further details
Oxford DNB Entry
Cultural (1) |
Vintners Company......
Physical (1) |
Kenton Street
description → Bloomsbury street named after Benjamin Kenton, developed 1806-9 after his death....
Gower Street, London, Middlesex, London, England