???? - 1845
Partner and younger brother of Honorius Combauld (q.v.) who died c. 1803. Philip Combauld appeared as plaintiff in a suit against Adrian Moens, Simon Bernelot Moens (the father of Jacob Bernelot Moens q.v.) and Thomas Charles Waugh in 1810. His will proved 10/02/1845 of Westbury upon Trym included a very detailed inventory of his personal possessions.
The National Archives, C 13/2097/28 Combauld v Waugh; PROB 11/2012/26.
Commercial (1) |
Honorius Combauld & Co.
North American merchant notes → Identified as partner in the will of Honorius Combauld...
Westbury-in-Trym, Gloucestershire, South-west England, England