Richard Crooks

No Dates

Claimant or beneficiary


  1. Richard Crooks, age 19, John Crooks, age 17 and William Crooks, age 16, all listed as "mulatto", living on Content Cottage in the Hanover census of 1823.

  2. Richard, John Alexander and William James Crooks baptised in Hanover 01/01/1813.

  3. Jannet James registered enslaved people as guardian to Richard Crooks et al and Mary Ann James Scott in Hanover in 1820. Previous registration for three males and three females. One enslaved person, George, age 41, given in a grant to Richard Crooks, John A. Crooks and William J. Crooks by Jannet Crooks since 1817. Four given up as guardian to Mary Ann James Scott since 1817.

  4. William James Crooks registered 10 enslaved people in Hanover in 1829 in right of his wife Sarah Martha Elizabeth Crooks nee Dinham, previously registered by her mother Frances Ledbeater as guardian.


  1. 'A Census of the White & Brown inhabitants & other Persons of Free Condition of the Parish of Hanover distinguishing their Sexes, Colour, Ages and places of Residence' transcribed at

  2. Familysearch, unindexed Jamaican parish records, Hanover, Baptisms, marriages, burials 1725-1839, p. 145.

  3. T71/191 p. 164.

  4. T71/194 [unpaginated].

Associated Claims (1)

£26 11s 6d

Relationships (1)
