Sarah Elizabeth Johnson

No Dates

Claimant or beneficiary


Awarded the compensation for a single enslaved person in Barbados. Known to have been in Clifton in 1835 but nothing further has been traced of her to date.

  1. Sarah Elizabeth Johnson of Barbados was the legatee of £3000 from her brother John Johnson of Demerara in 1818. The will also identified a brother, Richard Johnson of Barbados.


Barbados no. 2606. T71/1611 Letter dated 01/12/1835 from Sarah Elizabeth Johnson, 1 York Place, Clifton, Bristol: what is number of my claim?

  1. Will of John Johnson of Demerary and Essequebo, PROB 11/1602/186

Further Information

Name in compensation records
Sarah Elizabeth Johnson (spinster)

Associated Claims (1)

£19 8s 4d

Relationships (1)

Sister → Brother

Addresses (1)

1 York Place, Clifton, Bristol, Gloucestershire, South-west England, England