Associated People (3) |
The dates listed below have different categories as denoted by the letters in the brackets following each date. Here is a key to explain those letter codes:
1817 [EA] - 1826 [LA] → Owner
1828 [EA] - 1831 [LA] → Joint owner
K.F. Mackenzie sold a half-share in the estate to Spencer Mackay in 1828. |
1828 [EA] - 1834 [LA] → Joint owner
Associated Claims (1) |
£21,392 15S 6D
Estate Information (4) |
[Name] Lusignan
[Crop] Cotton Lusignan, shown as plantation no. 39 under the subheading 'De Mahaica a Demerarie', proprietaire Mc Kenzie [sic], 500 carreaux, C[oton]
Carte Generale...Demerarie 'Liste des habitations...' [1798] University of Amsterdam Library 'Suriname 1599-1975'
[Number of enslaved people] 446(Tot) 225(F) 221(M)
[Name] Lusignan F. Cort atty of K.F. Mckenzie prop.
T71/397 L4 2158
[Number of enslaved people] 435(Tot) 216(F) 219(M)
[Name] Lusignan formerly known as Lusignan, Nigeen and Two Friends In lawful possession of Fred. Cort qq. K.F. Mackenzie
T71/418 2242-2252
[Number of enslaved people] 424(Tot) 219(F) 205(M)
[Name] Lusignan Belonging to Pln Lusignan in the lawful possession of A. McRae attorney qq.
T71/429 309-318