Associated People (3) |
The dates listed below have different categories as denoted by the letters in the brackets following each date. Here is a key to explain those letter codes:
1817 [EA] - 1823 [LA] → Owner
1820 [EA] - → Attorney
1823 [EA] - 1834 [LA] → Owner
Associated Claims (1) |
£3,593 6S 2D
Estate Information (7) |
[Number of enslaved people] 117(Tot)
[Name] Woodford Estate Belonging to or in the lawful possession of Archibald Armstrong proprietor.
T71/265 328-329
[Number of enslaved people] 126(Tot) 61(F) 65(M)
[Name] Woodford Estate Belonging to or in the lawful possession of Archibald Armstrong Junior as Attorney to Archibald Armstrong Senior.
T71/274 95-96
[Number of enslaved people] 132(Tot) 60(F) 72(M)
[Name] Woodford Estate Belonging to or in the lawful possession of John Armstrong as Trustee and Devisee.
T71/285 59-60
[Number of enslaved people] 134(Tot) 61(F) 73(M)
[Name] Woodford Estate In the possession of Archibald Armstrong as trustee and devisee.
T71/299 1-2
[Number of enslaved people] 131(Tot) 58(F) 73(M)
[Name] Woodford Estate Belonging to or in the lawful possession of Archibald Armstrong as Trustee and Devisee
T71/311 162-163
[Number of enslaved people] 135(Tot) 57(F) 78(M)
[Name] Woodford Estate Belonging to and worked upon Woodford Estate in the parish of St John and in the possession of Archd. Armstrong as trustee and devisee.
T71/313 62-63
[Number of enslaved people] 131(Tot) 56(F) 75(M)
[Name] Woodford Estate In the possession of Archd. Armstrong as trustee and devisee.
T71/317 151-152