Associated People (1) |
The dates listed below have different categories as denoted by the letters in the brackets following each date. Here is a key to explain those letter codes:
1817 [EA] - 1823 [LA] → Owner
Notes |
[No name given.] |
Estate Information (6) |
[Number of enslaved people] 15(Tot) 7(F) 8(M)
[Name] Name Not Given Return of Patk. Burke Moore, owner; returned by Thomas Simpson, as P. B. Moore was a minor. This entry includes the names of enslaved children's mothers. St. Andrew.
T71/343 453
[Number of enslaved people] 22(Tot) 12(F) 10(M)
[Name] Name Not Given Returned by Charles Court, attorney for P Burk Moore, owner. St. Andrew.
T71/354 313
[Number of enslaved people] 19(Tot) 10(F) 9(M)
[Name] Crapeaud [Crapaud] Valley Estate Return of Patrick B Moore, owner; the entry is recorded by the owner's surname with the enslaved said to be on the estate. St. Andrew.
T71/358 231
[Number of enslaved people] 17(Tot) 8(F) 9(M)
[Name] Crapaud Valley Returned by E M Casey as executor of Widow H and Garret Moore, joint owners. St. Andrew.
T71/360 198
[Number of enslaved people] 17(Tot) 9(F) 8(M)
[Name] Crapaud Valley Returned by E M Casey as trustee of Widow H. and G. Moore, joint owners. St. Andrew.
T71/362 437 - 438
[Number of enslaved people] 2(Tot) 1(F) 1(M)
[Name] Crapaud Valley Returned by Charles Diggers, registering capacity not given. 15 enslaved people were 'removed to Morre Park Estate. St. Andrew.
T71/363 192