Associated People (1) |
The dates listed below have different categories as denoted by the letters in the brackets following each date. Here is a key to explain those letter codes:
1742 [EA] - 1753 [LA] → Previous owner
Estate Information (3) |
[Name] [no name given]
[Crop] Ginger, hire of enslaved people, provisions and bonds Estate of Emanuel Timberlake deceased. Account filed by John Kelly as administrator of the estate.
Accounts Produce, Jamaica Archives, IB/11/4/1 151 - 152
[Name] [no name given]
[Crop] Hire of enslaved people, interest on bonds, ginger, sale of enslaved people and sundry items Estate of Emanual Timberlake deceased. Account filed by John Kelly administrator of the estate of the said Emanual Timberlake.
Accounts Produce, Jamaica Archives 1B/11/4/2 23
[Name] [no name given]
[Crop] Provisions and hire of enslaved people (carpenters) Estate of Emanuel Timberlake. Account filed by John Kelly.
Accounts Produce, Jamaica Archives 1B/11/4/2 69