Associated People (3) |
The dates listed below have different categories as denoted by the letters in the brackets following each date. Here is a key to explain those letter codes:
- 1812 [LA] → Owner
1819 [EA] - 1825 [LA] → Previous owner
1828 [EA] - 1834 [LA] → Owner
Associated Claims (1) |
£4,011 2S 1D
Estate Information (7) |
[Number of enslaved people] 56(Tot)
[Name] Harmony Hall [Crop] Sugar Return of R. [sic] Purcell owner but late the property of the heirs of Wm. Jack
T71/501 383-385
[Number of enslaved people] 65(Tot)
[Name] Harmony [Crop] Sugar Redmond Purcell, attorney and director, for the heirs of the late J R Purcell [increase by births].
T 71/508 250
[Number of enslaved people] 53(Tot)
[Name] Harmony Hall [Crop] Sugar E Hodgkinson, attorney and administrator, for the heirs of J R Purcell, deceased.
T 71/511 369 v - 370
[Number of enslaved people] 50(Tot)
[Name] Harmony Hall [Crop] Sugar George Davis, manager, for the heirs of J R Purcell, deceased.
T 71/513 221
[Number of enslaved people] 85(Tot)
[Name] Harmon y Hall [Crop] Sugar Return by Thomas Dutton, manager, Richard Purcell owner, late the property of the heirs of J. [=E?] R. Purcell.
T71/515 1893-1894
[Number of enslaved people] 86(Tot)
[Name] Harmony Hall [Crop] Sugar Henry Howell King, manager and attorney for Richard Purcell, owner [increase by 1 birth and 9 purchases].
T 71/517 182 v - 183
[Number of enslaved people] 79(Tot)
[Name] Harmony Hall [Crop] Sugar Henry Howell King, attorney, for Richard Purcell, owner.
T 71/519 215 v - 216